Have you heard of a capsule wardrobe? You probably have but I tend to be a little delayed on the fashion scene so the term hadn’t entered my life until sometime last year.
It’s a brilliant concept.
I’m new to this idea (here is where I stumbled upon it), but this is what I’ve learned so far…
You get three of each. Three long sleeve tops, three short sleeve tops. Three pairs of pants, three skirts. Three dresses, three pairs of shoes (eeek!). Three jackets. And that’s it.
You can swap out things like a pair of shorts for a pair of pants, but you can’t have more than three total. The goal is to keep a common color palette running through your clothes so that any item can be worn with any other item. Layering is key.
I love this idea. But I also don’t think it’s for everyone. Particularly if you work in an office setting. But if you don’t, then you’re in luck! I’ve pulled together a (somewhat) capsule wardrobe for the spring/summer season. As you can see I’ve stuck with mostly whites, blues, and blacks. All three colors work together but can also stand alone. For example, since jewelry doesn’t count as an “item” (thank god), you can throw a pop of color into any of these outfits. And of course, a red lip would work with any of the clothes below. So you don’t have to say goodbye to color entirely to make this thing work.
This particular lineup was created with my dear friend Terri in mind. She is a pilates instructor at Core Fitness & Physical Therapy and is genuinely one of the greatest people I know. She’s been an athlete her entire life and is now dedicated to changing people’s lives through pilates. Seriously, she’s amazing.
Her style is a little harder to pin down. Not entirely sporty, nor full-on girly, she resides somewhere in the middle. She needs comfort and low-maintenance since she’s also a super-mom to two fantastic kiddos (did I mention she’s amazing?).
Here is a spring/summer capsule wardrobe I made with her in mind. The best news? Everything is from Old Navy or Gap, so it’s super affordable!
1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7. / 8. / 9. / 10. / 11. / 12. / 13. / 14. / 15. / 16.
LOVE LOVE LOVE! Now I just need you to come do my hair and makeup every morning. xoxo
Yes please! xoxo