I really had the best weekend. Actually, I take that back. I’ve had a series of best weekends in a row.
Chicago Fashion Blog featuring Style, Decor, & More
I really had the best weekend. Actually, I take that back. I’ve had a series of best weekends in a row.
Hold the phone! Last night Tom totally surprised me with an intimate birthday dinner with family and friends! I know! I was shocked. No really. Like when I first saw Kelly sitting outside I thought, “Oh my gosh look, Kelly and Mitch are here! Maybe we can join them!” It took me a hot minute to realize they were there for ME!
Apparently Tom has been scheming with them for the past month to organize this dinner. Tom is the worst secret-keeper I know, so it’s insane to me he was able to pull this off flawlessly! They all went around the table and shared things they love about me (Kelly’s brilliant idea), and even Tess sent hers to read aloud from Italy! I was floored. Just totally blown away by these incredible people and this incredible life. I am so, so grateful! It honestly feels like my years just keep getting better.
Thank you to Tom, to Kelly and Mitch, to Maya, to my parents, to Tess, and to all my family and friends who showered me with love yesterday. You all make this life the best life.
And now onto today’s post!
I’m one of those people who really really wishes they frequented farmer’s markets. Sort of like how I wish I was a brunch person.
Let me explain.