Who is ready for the weekend?!?!
Chicago Fashion Blog featuring Style, Decor, & More
You may or may not know this, but I have a serious black thumb when it comes to house plants, gardening, or any sort of flower-handling. I’m like the opposite of King Midas – everything I touch dies. Fun Fact: in our first year of dating, Tom tried buying me an orchid not once, not twice, but three times. After I killed them all, he gave up for good. I try, I really do! I water them, make sure they have enough light, etc. But every time they seem to die. I’ve resorted to ignoring our greenery completely and letting Tom handle it all (thanks Tom!).
So when my friend Megan of Bon Aprontit invited me to attend a floral arranging class with Alice’s Table, you can imagine my slight anxiety. “Oh great,” I thought, “I can’t wait to kill all my flowers in front of these super cool creative-types.” But I was dying to see Megan’s new spring line, so I took a deep breath and said to hell with it – I’M IN. It also helped to have my flower-killing-partner-in-crime Maya from Charmingly Styled there by my side. Hey, if we’re going down, at least we’re going down together, right?
Hello there, and happy Friday! How was your week? Mine was good – hectic, busy, a little (ok, sometimes a lot) stressful. But productive and fun! I feel like I’m finally finding my groove with my new job – although there are still some ups and downs. Some days I feel like I’m on a roll, and others I feel so overwhelmed with stress, it’s like I’m in a sinking boat.