I’m one of those people who really really wishes they frequented farmer’s markets. Sort of like how I wish I was a brunch person.
Let me explain.
I think I’m a brunch/farmer’s market/insert-cool-new-thing-to-try-here, but when it comes down to it, I’m just not. Every time I try it, it doesn’t bode well. Take for example, the farmer’s market. I think, “Oooh yay it’s Saturday morning, I’m totally going to the farmer’s market today!” I get up, go for my run, meet my friends for coffee, and then I’m off! I arrive somewhat sweaty/smelly from said run, but figure hey, no one’s here for the fashion. Upon arrival, I realize I’ve missed the early bird wave and things are looking a bit picked over, to put it lightly. It’s ok, I’ll just get an apple. I’m sorry, how much did you say that is?! Nevermind, I’ll opt for an eggplant (though what I’m gong to do with said eggplant is beyond me since I’m not the chef in our house). So I peruse the produce and buy what I think may be the world’s most deformed eggplant. Crap! I’ve forgotten my reusable bags! Why do I even have those things if I never remember to bring them?! Oh no I just knocked over a bunch of tomatoes in reaching for my eggplant – do I have to pay for those? No? Ok I’ll just take this eggplant then. Wait cash only? Curses! Nevermind forget it I’m going home.
In short, I wish I was that elegant and class lady who waltzes over to the market early on a Saturday morning, almond milk latte in hand, scooping up fresh flowers and delicious produce I then proceed to cook for my intimate dinner party that evening. Instead I’m stuck standing there with the world’s most deformed eggplant in hand that I paid $8 for.
Ok, enough about farmer’s markets! Let’s celebrate the fact that it’s FRIDAY! Any fun plans for the weekend? We’ve got lots of fun things happening, including Emma’s first birthday party on Saturday! Whatever you’re up to, I hope you have the best time. Cheers!
This post made me laugh. Every weekend I tell myself that I am going to go to the farmer’s market but then coffee at home and a good book just sounds so much more appealing… maybe someday. 🙂
Taylor | http://www.livingtaylored.com
I fail at the farmers market all the time. Sometimes I even struggle in the produce section at Whole Foods. It all looks so colorful and tasty. I have no idea what goes with what so I just flail around….or should I say, fail around.