Not exactly Pantone’s color of the year – which if you are wondering, I am strongly opposed to – but I’m digging all the shades of jade I’ve seen popping up as of late.
New Year, New You?
Raise your hand if you can relate: January finds you refreshed and invigorated, and making a long list of all the ways you are going to better yourself. Eat less crap. Exercise more. Buy fewer things. Take up yoga. Be a better spouse/friend/sister. Read more books. Travel. Save money. Practice patience. Swear off social media. Volunteer. The list of things that will finally make you happy goes on. You rise each day with a new-found “Can-do” attitude. THIS, you say, is going to be my year.
But then February rolls around and you’re lucky if you managed to sneak in one trip to the gym (and that was only because it was conveniently located next to Chick-fil-A). Half-finished books are piled on your nightstand, and the only volunteering that’s happening is for happy hour with the girls. By the time March hits you’re feeling pretty bad about yourself for not following through, and sink into a kind of slump cured only by a row of Oreos. “What happened to my drive?” you think. “I was doing so well at first! What happened?”
Sound familiar?
Finding Energy for the New Year
I’m just gonna come right out and say it: I find this time of year to be – how should I put it – CHALLENGING.
Current Design Crush: Amelia Canham Eaton
I pretty much want to be Amelia Canham Eaton when I grow up.