I really had the best weekend. Actually, I take that back. I’ve had a series of best weekends in a row.
Maybe it’s because summer is my favorite season, but the days feel like they just keep getting better and better. (Well, except that I’m really missing the Larkin fam!) Seriously though, I know I say it all the time, but Chicago is magical in the summertime! I feel so lucky. We spent this weekend walking around, eating tacos and stopping at coffee shops. And then we went for dim sum in Chinatown on Sunday! All while the air and water show was happening.

Ironically, these photos are from our trip to Italy in June – an equally magical place 😉
I just feel so content and grateful.
Which might make this next part come as a slight surprise, but I’ve got to let blogging take a back seat for a little while. You may have noticed some radio silence lately, both here and on Insta. I’ve got some really exciting things in the works regarding my career, and I’ve had to devote my full attention to them. There’s still work to be done, so I’m asking you to please be patient and bear with me while I give these things the focus they need.
So for the next few weeks I’ll be posting only once per week. My goal is to get back up to three times per week, but that wont’ be for a little while. I hope you’ll stay with me, because there’s some incredibly exhilarating stuff coming down the line! I really love this blog, and what is has created for me. I hope you love it too, at least enough to stick around for the next chapter 😉
Ok I hope your Monday is off to a great start! And here’s hoping we crush this entire week ahead!
How exciting that you have so many wonderful things ahead! I love that you are so focused and determined on growing your career, I think it is quite inspiring!
Taylor | http://www.livingtaylored.com
Aw thanks Taylor, that means so much!
A gingham dress looks fantastic! Love the relaxed fit that is ideal for Summer walks! I also like the way you completed this look by adding a white shoulder bag and white lace-up slip-ons. Fresh and ladylike!
Ines from InesTrend.com